It costs just £10 to feed one child for a month. Please see a breakdown of the current food menu below.
Paediatric Oncology Ward Food Menu
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH - Posho, Silver Fish, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) SUPPER – Rice, Ground Nut Sauce, Cabbage (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH – Matooke OR Rice, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) SUPPER - Posho, Ground Nut Sauce, Cabbage (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH - Sweet Potatoes (boiled), Ground Nut Sauce (cooked with tomatoes, onions), Dodo SUPPER - Posho, Silver Fish, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH – Rice, Ground Nut Sauce, Cabbage (cooked with tomatoes, onions) SUPPER - Posho, Pumpkin, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH - Irish Potatoes (boiled), Ground Nut Sauce (cooked with tomatoes, onions), Dodo SUPPER - Posho, Silver Fish, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH – Rice, Ground Nut Sauce (cooked with tomatoes, onions), Dodo SUPPER - Posho, Pumpkin, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions) |
BREAKFAST - Soya porridge (made with water and sugar) LUNCH - Irish Potatoes (boiled), Ground Nut Sauce, Cabbage (cooked with tomatoes, onions) SUPPER - Posho, Beans (cooked with tomatoes, onions), Dodo |